What Type of Air Filter is a 20x25x1 Filter King?

The Filter King 20x25x1 air filter is one of the most popular sizes used in air systems. Its filter frames are made of beverage cardboard, which is strong and ensures that the air you breathe is clean and free of allergens or contaminants. MERV 5 non-pleated fiberglass air filters are capable of capturing up to 20% of particles between 3 and 10 microns in size, such as dust and cement dust. It is important to note that when creating a filter with this tool, you must use the “real” size of the filter, as shown by the measuring tape, and not a nominal filter size.

The MERV rating is a consumer standard that guarantees that all filters with the same rating will filter in the same way. Filter King AC & oven filters are not your typical fiberglass filters that need to be replaced every 30 days. Regularly replacing household air filters can help prevent costly repairs or system replacements in the future. If you have pets, children, or allergy sufferers in your home or business, it is essential to replace filters more often to maintain higher indoor air quality and keep energy costs down.

Ericka Boughner
Ericka Boughner

Certified travel junkie. Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Hardcore food scholar. Award-winning travel buff. Award-winning travel lover. .