Do Expensive Air Filters Really Work Better?

When it comes to air filters, the old adage 'you get what you pay for' is often true. In general, more expensive air filters are more effective than cheaper ones, but the type of filter you need depends on your individual circumstances. A single person without pets and allergies may not need as much filtration as a family of five with three pets and a child with asthma. It's also important to consider how long the air filter will last.

Air filters remove particles of different sizes from the air before it flows through the fan and reaches the rest of the house. When comparing the price of a pleated filter to a non-pleated one, you have to triple the price per filter of the non-pleated filter for an accurate comparison. Expensive air filters usually have a higher MERV rating than cheap air filters, meaning that they have a larger surface area to filter and can trap smaller particles. Household HVAC air filters are classified according to their MERV classification, and most household filters are between 1 and 13 (more than 13 in the case of HEPA filters).

Not only do filters remove dust allergens, mold spores, and other pollutants from the air your family breathes, they also filter out fine dirt particles that can degrade the performance of the air conditioning system itself. The cheapest filters are made of spun fiberglass, which filters air very poorly compared to materials such as paper, cotton or polyester. When you buy air filters online, look for sites that allow you to customize the quantity to get exactly what you need. With its help, you can choose an air filter that provides the best possible protection for your climate system and improves indoor air quality.

That's a myth: the extra surface lets more air through, so the central air conditioning unit doesn't have to work as hard to get air through it. All other things being equal, a filter with a higher MERV rating and more creases per inch will have the same or better airflow than the same filter with a lower MERV rating and fewer creases. A little over 10 years ago, manufacturers began placing more folds (or folds) on air filters and increasing their surface area. FilterBuy sells more expensive air filters for one reason: they're worth it because of their quality and convenience.

Cheap air filters tend to be less efficient at trapping particulates, which means that more harmful airborne pollutants can enter the air conditioning system and circulate throughout the home or office. Although it might not be obvious to the naked eye, there are actually several key differences between cheap and expensive air filters.


stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, and it measures how well an air filter can remove particulates from the air. With this in mind, it's easy to see why investing in a higher quality filter is worth it in terms of both improved indoor air quality and energy efficiency. When shopping for an air filter, it's important to consider your individual needs as well as your budget. If you have allergies or asthma, or if you live in an area with high levels of dust or other pollutants in the air, then investing in a higher quality filter is likely worth it in terms of improved indoor air quality.

On the other hand, if you don't have any special needs or sensitivities then a cheaper option may be sufficient. In conclusion, expensive air filters do work better than cheaper ones in most cases. They are more effective at trapping particulates from the air and improving indoor air quality. They also last longer than cheaper options, so they may be worth investing in if you want to ensure that your family is breathing clean, healthy air.

Ericka Boughner
Ericka Boughner

Certified travel junkie. Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Hardcore food scholar. Award-winning travel buff. Award-winning travel lover. .